Jesus’s primary message was the Kingdom of God. He told us how God rules over all things and in one sense, this is the Kingdom. However, only some recognize his reign and submit themselves to what God says. Those are the subjects of his Kingdom.
Jesus frequently spoke about the Kingdom of God using stories and parables. However, when he first began to speak, Jesus very plainly told us that the Kingdom of God is near and we should, therefore, repent and believe.
Read the story – Mark 1:14-15
After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
What does it mean to repent? First of all, we must leave behind our old life that rejected Jesus as the King. God gave Jesus all authority over both the heavens and the earth, and so we must also look to him as our authority, our King.
As we give Jesus the authority over our lives, we must repent of the sin that we have committed, telling God that we are sorry for what we have done and turn back to him.
As we do this, we must believe in Jesus as King, as the Messiah, and as our Savior. He is now is charge of our lives and we must believe and not doubt that he can save us from God’s wrath and punishment of our sins.
If we will do these things, we take our first step to enter the Kingdom of God!

Who is Jesus?
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Follow Jesus
Learn how you can take your first steps to become
his student, his disciple.